Brand Guidelines

Only our members are allowed to use our logo.

  • After your application is approved and you have paid the entire fee, you can use your GIEAA logo in your marketing materials to promote your organization.
  • GIEAA will feature you on our website.

Members who have received GIEAA membership or any other quality assurance award may use the award statement as well as the GIEAA emblem in marketing materials.

Who may utilize the GIEAA logo?

  • Partners
  • Full Members
  • Affiliated Members
  • Associate Members
  • Individual Members

Who may not utilize the GIEAA logo?

  • Former Members
  • Candidate Members
  • Suspended Members

The appropriate phrase for the membership statement is:

  • GIEAA Member
  • This institution is a proud member of GIEAA

May an institution refer to seeking membership from the GIEAA on its marketing?
An applicant institution may not state that it is a member of, will be a member of, or has any other kind of permission from GIEAA unless and until membership is officially granted.

Can the membership be withdrawn? If so, in which cases?
In some situations, GIEAA is required to withdraw certification (after sending a reminder and setting a deadline). This would be the situation whenever the higher education institution failed to notify GIEAA of any notifiable modifications.

Join us to achieve the highest internationally approved standards of excellence in education.
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